First Holy Communion
Berks County Photographer
It's hard not to be impressed when you walk into a Catholic Church. It's elegant and ornate. It also a very different experience if you haven't grown up Catholic (which I haven't) but impressive how elaborate and beautiful it is.
I was hired by a really neat family! This guy was in my preschool class a few years ago and has really grown up! I felt really blessed to be asked to photograph such an intimate event. I love the Father Tom's chocolate milk demonstration. He explained that we are the {white} milk and Jesus is the chocolate. He enters into our lives {like when we squeeze the chocolate}, but it settles at the bottom. To mix it up and be filled with the spirit, we must apply it to our lives and really follow Jesus.
"May you always know the peace of Jesus, the light of his LOVE, and the JOY of his life within you"

SO HAPPY TO BE DONE WITH PHOTOGRAPHS! {I asked him to show me his muscles!}

Church: St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring
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XOXO, Danielle