His Grace is Sufficient
I'm proud of many things in life, but nothing beats being a mother. This is what being a mother means...watching my four year old splash in the creek, asking me to skip rocks with him {which only daddy can do!}, spending time just me and him, splashing around together...I always cherish the moments when I can spend all my energy on one child.
Prior to creek walking we had gone shopping for really boring business stuff I needed {shipping materials, cards, USBs} while little brother was at speech. At the end of the trip, the cashier gave him 4 stickers for being so patient. She told me that not all children can be that patient and smiled at me. I smiled back, we thanked her and went on our way. I wished she knew how grateful I was to receive a compliment about my impulsive and energetic son, who loves intensely, who is always ready for a challenge and who has taught himself to have self control and patience {most of the time ;)} but still struggles with it!
Sometimes it feels like there aren't enough minutes in a day to get everything done. Cleaning, laundry, school, grocery shopping, making sure everyone is fed, replying to emails, working, attempting to eat healthy and work out, visiting family...It is so easy to feel overwhelmed or inadequate. Then you add the pressure of other moms judging you when your child cries in Target (I think we've all been there) or when they don't want to take no for an answer or they are just plain stubborn (It's always in public right?!). Instead of judging, we need to lift each other up. When I see a child crying in a store, I always give the mom a little smile so she knows we are in this mom thing together. We are supposed to raise each other and support one another instead of bashing each other, especially on social media. It seems to be so prevalent these days! Breastfeeding, bottle fed, cloth diapers, disposable, stay at home moms vs. working moms, organic food, fast food, screen time, clothing choices, potty training, who cares! I remember being so disappointed in myself for not being able to breast feed my boys and I needed that friend to tell me it was ok and they'd be just fine (and guess what? They were!).
I've realized there is no such thing as a perfect mother, just real ones. Ones that make mistakes, that are frustrated and tired but are overwhelmed with love when they look at their children.
HE gives me this daily reminder...
"My Grace is sufficient for Thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9
I am overwhelmed with love for them daily!
"Motherhood is not a hobby. It is a calling. It is not something you can do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for." Neil L. Anderson

Berks County Photographer
Reading Museum
Danielle Danver Photography
If you are in need of someone to capture your special memories please email me using the contact link!