Jessica's Story
"My husband and I started trying to conceive right after we got married on September 7th, 2013. It was a long first year and then we saw those two pink lines in September of 2014. Our happiness was short lived when I started bleeding the next month. I then went on to have more miscarriages in January and May of 2015. I was referred to a reproductive endocrinologist who determined I had low ovarian reserve, hypothyroidism, a polyp on my uterus, and ovulation problems. I had surgery to remove the polyps and was placed on medication to help my thyroid. After I recovered from surgery we tried a round of clomid in which my body had a horrible reaction to. I did a round of fertility shots for seven straight days in December of 2015. We had a positive pregnancy test and saw a heart beat at 6 weeks. We were released to go back to our regular ob/gyn and again I started bleeding. This time they did a D&C in January of 2016 and were unable to get enough tissue to make a definite diagnosis. This time I had decided I was going to eat better and try acupuncture to see if i could take control of my own fertility. Low and behold it did work! I got pregnant naturally again in July of this year and saw a heart beat. However after four previous times of heartbreak it was very hard to get excited. My doctor assured me he would not release me back to my regular ob/gyn until I felt comfortable with this pregnancy. I went in for another ultrasound a week later and the baby only grew two days. A couple days after that I started spotting and there was no heart beat. I then had another D&c and we found out our baby was a girl and she had two sets of maternal chromosomes also knows as Triploidy.
Five miscarriages later and we still continue to pray for our rainbow baby. It takes a lot to keep going but I am not ready to give up yet. Struggling with infertility is like dealing with the five stages of grief every single month. You deny, bargain, get angry, cry and accept. Then you pick yourself back up and do it all over again. Sometimes against all odds, against all logic, we still hope and that's what I hold onto. I believe god will give us living children someday and until then I will continue to support couples who are like my husband and I. That is why I host an infertility support group because without my struggle I would have never found my strength. I will walk by faith, even when I can not see. 2 Corinthians 5:7"