Van Matre - Berks County Family Photographer
I've had the pleasure of photographing this family twice this year - once for Violet's 6th month photographs and now for her 1st birthday! She was just as sweet and happy for her 1st birthday photographs as she was 6 months ago. I really enjoy photographing her. She loves her baby, tiny tickles and peek-a-boo, and I just love that she gave her daddy some snuggles + kisses for the first time at this shoot (apparently she's a mommas girl!) and I was able to capture it.
We captured family photographs at a field down the street from my home, and then finished up with an in-studio cake smash and bath. She wasn't a fan of the studio photographs until she saw the cake - then she stuck her foot in it - and her bath lasted about 2 minutes before she was done with that too BUT we got the cutest photographs!
Check them out!